Dave Winer Remembers a Conversation with Gene Kan
Over on Scripting News, Dave Winer remembers a discussion he had with Gene Kan on this date in the Year 2000. Gene Kan was one of the leading figures in the Gnutella community who was found dead of an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound earlier this week in Belmont, CA, near San Francisco. Winer said:
People have all kinds of theories about why {Kan} shot himself, I don't think it had anything to do with disappointment. Lots of people go through that, no one gets through life without lots of disappointment.... Depression is a disorder. Sometimes when the chemicals in your bloodstream are wrong they make you feel worthless. When that happens it can be hard to stay in the game, remembering that such feelings often pass, pretty quickly. At age 25, lots of people don't know that. It's a tough time of life....