Why Isn't Slashcode Being Represented at OSCOM 3?
Dave Aiello wrote, "Early this morning, Dave Winer said that he will be making a keynote presentation at OSCOM 3 from May 28-30, 2003, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. OSCOM is the Open Source Content Management Conference, and it has been held previously in Zurich, Switzerland and Berkeley, California."
"Until I saw the story on Scripting News, I did not know that OSCOM was being held again. My biggest question about this conference is: Why isn't the Slash project being represented? Slash isn't even listed on the OSCOM Content Management System Matrix."
"I think that the Slash community ought to try to represent itself at this conference, even at this late date. I am going to try to make contact with the event organizers and see if there is any interest in participation from the Slash community. I will also submit a story to Slashcode.com and suggest that the community organize some sort of participation."