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CTDATA.com Stumbles on Sunday

Steven Vore of Mumble Daily was the first person to report a glitch at ctdata.com since we implemented the new Slashcode-based architecture.

hmm, it may just be me, but right now (~2048 eastern, Sunday evening) some parts of the site appear sick :-) I get a lot of
"[an error occurred while processing this directive]" in various places, and when clicking on the "Also by dave_aiello" link I get
a whole bunch of fun messages.... just thought you might like to know, in case this wasn't expected

Well Steven, it was really that we left a database running over the weekend without an automatic way to dump its transaction logs. We probably won't be doing that again. What's that you say? It doesn't happen with mySQL?

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CTDATA Venutures (CTDATA) develops Internet and Intranet applications for corporations and non profit organizations. Our services include:

  • Consulting services for Movable Type and TypePad-based publishing systems (visit our Weblog Improvement website for more information),
  • Financial services business process consulting,
  • Content management system and knowledge management system consulting,
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  • MySQL, Sybase, and Microsoft SQL Server architecture and development,
  • SOAP, REST, and XML-RPC system architecture and programming, including Amazon Web Services and
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For more information, contact Dave Aiello by email at dave [at] daveaiello.com or call him at +1-267-352-4420.
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