Why CTDATA Supports Verisign's Continued Control of .Com Registry
Dave Aiello wrote, "If the last two years have taught us anything, it should be that what looks like a competitive marketplace on paper can be a cruel joke in practice. This is why I support the extension of Verisign's ultimate control over the '.com' domain registry. The reason I am talking about this today is that the U.S. Commerce Department and Versign are reported to be close to an agreement on extension of the current arrangement."
"Why do I feel this way? Well, I don't want a repeat of the antics that gave us charades like the Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) marketplace. While I feel that management of the federal agencies like the Commerce Department and the FCC is likely to be more effective under the current administration, I think many people will agree that tinkering with a service that is so vital to the Internet is a bad idea."
"In my opinion, root domain name servers must be operated by companies with financial staying power and a history of competent operations. I believe that Verisign has proven that it can manage the most critical domain registry on Earth through tumultuous periods in the market. They have never been the easiest company to deal with, but I prefer their methods to many other monopolies that I also deal with every day."