Danny Yee Experiments With Micro-Ads
Dave Aiello wrote, "Another thing Slashdot pointed to today was a brief analysis of two forms of micro-advertising recently developed for popular Web Sites. Although both examples cited, Google AdWords and a short-lived program recently run on the Weblog Robot Wisdom, are unique implementations, the results that the author got from this small study were quite interesting."
"When I was reading this report, I kept asking myself, 'Why haven't we done a study like this at CTDATA?' The reason I keep coming back to is that I was afraid of the cost of the ads, if they turned out to be very popular. That's a lame reason for holding back, and we may have to revisit this topic, because the surface has barely been scratched."
"The author of this study, Danny Yee is building a network of Web Sites that contain a mix of useful and interesting information. His work so far reminds me of the kind of work that Philip Greenspun has assembled over the years. I hope Danny (whom I've never met) doesn't mind the comparison. I mean it as a compliment."