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Whither Goest Suck?

Julie Aiello sent a link to the Washington Post story documenting the demise of Suck.com. We seem to be receiving links to several stories like this, since almost all of the readers of this site seem to know that Dave Aiello knows Joey Anuff, one of the founders of Suck. Here are a few general comments:

  1. This article takes a while to get going, but it's worth reading. At first, it sounded like the other trite grave dancing that the dead trees media has been churning out-- a variation on the "see, I told you so" theme, that has been popular for the last year. However, about midway through the article, the reporter throws in some really insightful commentary from industry people who wish they'd thought of Suck, but didn't. That stuff is worth reading.

  2. We're trying to run a Weblog here. Note to readers of CTDATA.com: If you see something that looks like it fits our site, don't click "Mail this story to a friend", type Dave Aiello's email address, and click "Submit". Use our Submit Story page and save us some work.

  3. Not writing a Suck piece may be the greatest missed opportunity of the Dot Com Era. Dave Aiello stated it well when he said, "I will always feel like a wannabe in the Dot Com Era because I never wrote that one great piece for Suck that I had in me." Now, the question: is the opportunity gone forever?

In the meantime, we are left with the cynically self-referential FAQ that Suck posted on June 8. Let's hope it's not really the end.

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