Why Did All the Fixed Wireless CLECs Fail?
Doug Mohney has written an article about the bankruptcy of the Fixed Wireless CLECs that is currently appearing on ISPworld.com. These companies, like Teligent and Winstar originally intended to by-pass the local telephone companies infrastructures and provide voice and high speed networking services using wireless technologies.
From the perspective of one who has not followed this aspect of the industry too closely, it appeared that most of carriers failed because they each tried to build a wireless infrastructure simultaneously in all major cities throughout the country. However, the article appears to be saying that this is not the case. For example:
WinStar was... {originally} focused on being a wireless CLEC.... {But, then} the company shifted priorities on a regular basis, putting its fingers into buying and operating ISPs, buying and operating the Office.Com e-commerce storefront and running a multimedia development center.
So, is it really possible that all of these well-capitalized startups failed due to lack of focus on the key aspects of their respective business plans?