ITAA Says There's Still an IT Worker Shortage
Our friend Art Iger from JPMorgan Chase pointed out a brief article in InformationWeek called Hear the One About the Lack of IT Workers? The report says that the Information Technology Association of America believes that there is still a shortage of IT workers, in spite of the fact that "unemployment is up and the workforce is down by a half-million since last year".
A column appears nearby in the same publication called Welcome To The Age Of Absurdity. In it, Lou Bertin touches briefly on his relationship with Harry Arouh, who once worked for CBS News and later became his college journalism professor. After pointing out a number of recent business news stories that could only be called improbable, he says: "With facts like these, who needs fiction? Harry Arouh likely wouldn't have believed a single word of any of this, but he surely would have been saddened at the utter demise of common sense in this Age of Absurdity."