Forbes ASAP is Latest New Economy Magazine to Close
Dave Aiello wrote, "I guess I shouldn't be surprised that The New York Times reported yesterday that Forbes ASAP has ceased publication. This was one of the first magazines dedicated to the so-called 'new economy' that is now so out of favor. The most interesting comment I've read about this story is on Werblog by Kevin Werbach."
"Commenting on the notion that there will be another boom in the business cycle, and new magazines will be born to cover it, Werbach said:"
That's absolutely the wrong way to think about things. It's true that business is cyclical, but it's not a perfect sine wave. You could have said during the 1972-74 bear market that stocks would come back, and you would have been right. They came back... starting in 1982. The period between 1994 and early 2000 was extraordinary, the likes of which we may never see again in a lifetime. I'm an optimist about the future, both in terms of technology and business opportunities, but we have to put out of our minds the notion that the current doldrums are but a temporary pause.