So, Where's the Wedding?
Carolyn Lange recently wrote, "Great web site on the wedding and you are already registered!!! Wow. You two are efficient. So, where is the wedding?
(Philly, NJ?)"
Dave Aiello responds, "Thanks for the compliment on the Web Site. I spent about 5,000 hours of programming time creating this Web Site framework, so I try to use it as often as possible."
"To answer your question, we are getting married on July 7, 2001, at Tenth Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia. This is the church where Kathleen and her family are members. She and I attend services there regularly, when I am in town."
Dave Aiello continued:
The location of the wedding is now reflected on the event calendar.
By the way, you may be interested to know why I always point out that admission to the events discussed here is by invitation only. (Kathleen always chuckles when I point this out.) The reason is that we are posting this information to a Web Site that is available to the general public. Therefore, I feel a certain obligation to point out that no public events are planned in association with our wedding.