New York Times Reports on "Email You Can't Outrun"
Martin O'Donnell points out a New York Times article on the Blackberry pagers -- further evidence of their fanatical adoption by knowledge workers across the nation.
"Members of the BlackBerry cult won't ask how you are in their electronic
communiqués. Nor are they very likely to give you their full attention when
you are in their physical presence, since the messages flashing on their
pager-size screens demand a quick glance, and perhaps a response. But they
will return your e-mail almost immediately, no matter where they are."
Some of the statements made in the story are simply hyperbole. Yet, we wonder how many of these pagers and PDAs can be sold and put into use before the data networks that they run on will experience noticeable degradation. Some CTDATA users report difficulty sending messages from the vicinity of Wall and Broad Streets in New York at the beginning, middle, and end of the business day.