Seeking Design Ideas for a Photo Extension to Slashcode
CTDATA and some of the CTDATA Network Sites (particularly have amassed hundreds of digital photos over the past 18 months. We would like to manage these photos under our modified Slashcode system. Would you care to make suggestions as to how the user interface should look?
One idea that was stumbled upon, totally by coincidence, is the 16photos Web Site. This is an example of one of its pages. What is interesting about this page is the fact that it displays several photos at once, it's clean, and fast loading. We might want to use a layout like this as a sort of index page from which you could drill down to individual pages that provide more information about a specific photo.
This is not a statement of design direction. It is just an observation. Let us know if you have seen sites that do this in a way you particularly like, or if you have ideas that you have not seen implemented elsewhere.