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Bug in VMware Workstation 2.0 Causes a Problem with Windows 2000 Clients

Dave Aiello wrote, "For the last few days, I have been trying to document an annoying problem with the suspend-to-disk feature on my Linux laptop and its interaction with VMware Workstation 2.0 for Linux (specifically, 2.0.3 build-799). I managed to repeat the problem and it is this: if you attempt to use the suspend-to-disk feature when a Windows 2000 virtual machine is in full screen mode, the laptop will hang, rather than suspend."

Dave Aiello continues:

I have followed every recommendation in the support section of the VMware Web Site. I have also read the Troubleshooting Guest Operating System document, where it indicates:

Linux host operating systems, even those that support Advanced Power Management (APM), may have problems if a laptop
computer suspends while virtual machines are running. The virtual machines may hang and not restart.

None of the cases that VMware described exactly matched my situation. So, I filed a tech support case. If I get any indication of how to resolve or work around the problem (apart from not suspending with Windows 2000 in full screen mode), I will post the information here as a follow-up.

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