Makes Several Changes to User Interface and Features
Yesterday, Jason DeFillipo announced that he has rolled out a series of changes to He notes that he has automated the PayPal interface for subscribers. This means that the advanced features that are available only to paying customers are accessible immediately after payment. This is a significant improvement over the previous mechanism, which required administrator intervention between payment and access to the advanced features.
DeFillipo has also made a number of user interface changes. One important change is the removal of the blogroll list from a registered user's home page. The blogrolls have been moved to their own page, accessible via the tabbed interface.
The biggest issues with the new user interface are the width of the graphics at the top of the page, and the placement of the home button on the far right of that graphic. On at least one computer that runs Mozilla 1.0.1 on Red Hat 7.2, the "BLOGrolling" graphic and the home icon beneath it are partially beyond the window's edge. If it were up to us, we would switch the home icon with the "Log-out" link. But, on balance, we like the new UI, and continue to recommend the service.